Breast Lift / Mastopexy

Mastopexy or breast lift surgery is performed to lift the breast and nipple areola complex in order to obtain a more natural and cosmetically pleasing breast shape, with improvement in projection and nipple location. Due to factors such as gravity, breast feeding and weight changes, you may have excess breast skin and the nipples may be in an undesirably low location. The nipple position should be at or above the level of the inframammary fold, or about 2/3 the way down the arm, or about 20-22 cm when measured from the sternal notch. Dr. Chandler uses precise measurements preoperatively to determine exactly how much skin to remove and where to place your incisions in order to obtain the best aesthetic result possible, while minimizing scars. There are three main incision patterns used - periareolar (around the areola only), vertical (around the areola and straight down to the inframammary fold) and wise-pattern (around the areola, down, and underneath the breast along the inframmamary fold). The incision pattern chosen depends on how much skin needs to be removed, which will be discussed in detail at your preoperative consultation. If desired, a small reduction in volume can also be performed along with a breast lift. Alternatively, additional volume may be added with an implant.

Before and after a vertical-pattern mastopexy:

More before and after photos


What is the best way to minimize scarring?
Breast lift surgery involves a tradeoff - scars in exchange for a more desirable breast shape. In general, it is more aesthetically pleasing to have scars present with a lifted breast shape. Scars will fade over time, while the shape of the breast changes very little. The extent of scars is dependent on the amount of skin that needs to be removed. For example, if the center of the nipple needs to be lifted less than 2-2.5 cm from it's previous location, then a periareolar scar pattern will be sufficient (scars limited to around the areola only). If only a little more of a lift is needed, then a vertical scar pattern will likely be the best choice. If a significant lift is needed with the current nipple placed very low compared to the inframammary fold, than a wise-pattern scar will be necessary in order to obtain the best aesthetic breast shape.
Will insurance cover breast lift surgery?
Insurance will not usually cover breast lift surgery. This is considered a cosmetic operation.
What is the recovery?
Most patients prefer to go home the same day of surgery. While walking around the house immediately after surgery is encouraged, strenuous activity and exercise are restricted for at least 4 weeks after surgery. Heavy lifting should be avoided during this time as well. You can and should perform shoulder rotation exercises to avoid stiffness a few times a day. Driving is restricted until you are no longer taking pain medication, have full range of motion in your arms and feel confident that you could respond quickly in an emergency. Return to work will depend on the activity level in your job.
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